Dental Care Center of Hollywood

We are a dental practice devoted to delivering outstanding dental treatment in a caring way. Our aim is to establish successful relationships with our patients that will enable us to provide optimum dental care, to practice dentistry in an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and to help our patients maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. We use the most current, effective and conservative techniques and materials that result in healthy and beautiful, long lasting smiles. We care for people not just teeth!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brush and floss to lose weight.

Tonight I had the most delicious steak I've had in a long time. I paired it with a nice glass of my favorite red wine (Ribera del Duero). As I finished my 8 Oz steak and my 8 Oz glass of wine, I could not help but think of the other 2 medium well cooked steaks left over and the recently opened bottled of wine. Needing to loose weight -as most people are- I asked myself. How can I keep away from eating those other 2 steaks and drinking another cup of wine?

The answer came to me, not from from a dental meeting or a colleague, but from a Dermatologist friend of mine who recently dropped 20 pounds. Brush and Floss! Say What? Brush and Floss he said. That was his pearl. After eating an adequate dinner portion, immediatly go to the bathroom and follow a rigorous oral hygiene routine he said. Rinse, Brush and Floss; then see if you still want to eat anything after that. 

If you happen to eat anything else after you have thoroughly rinsed, brushed and flossed your teeth, the food is going to taste horribly and second of all you are going to have to go throguh the same routine again.  Right?  Who wants to go to sleep with meat leftovers in between the teeth? 

Such a simple method. Do what you have to do anyways. Just do it sooner than you normally do it and the results are great. You will loose weight cause you won't snack the whole night after your meal, your partner will appreciate your clean and healthy mouth and you may even dose off in a nice sleep without the guilt of not having brushed your teeth.

Little steps go a long way in the fight against disease!

Now that you are rinsing, brushing and flossing every night, your dental hygienist will love you and you can freely come to visit us at the office without any feelings of fear and guilt.

See you at the office and remember, you don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.

Hans Sperling, DMD